Hi, I'm Allen. I grew up in Toronto and now reside in New York.
I'm currently building modern fixed income infrastructure at Moment — backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Venrock, Neo, Contrary and others.
Previously, I moved money around, played with payment cards and wrote a ledger at Lithic, also known as privacy.com, where I filed two patents:
- "Processing Transactions with Idempotency in Real-Time Ledgers" US11971862B1, 1st inventor — granted April 30th, 2024.
- "Processing Privacy-Protected Virtual Bank Account Transactions Based on Dual-Table Ledgering" US Application No. 17/948,988, 2nd inventor — filed Sept 20th, 2022.
Feel free to say hello, fork my code or view my (likely out of date) résumé.